Chiropractic Care for Infants & Children
(0-16 years old)

$120 initial consultation | $60 follow-up consultations

Our Comprehensive Paediatric Assessment consists of three sessions. These include:

  1. Initial Consultation (30 minutes): Your Chiropractor will gather detailed information about your child's prenatal and birth history, developmental milestones, medical history, and family health history.

  2. Physical Examination + Adjustment (45 minutes): The physical examination includes assessing your child's posture and range of motion, evaluating their developmental milestones, checking motor and sensory functions, and involves a comprehensive neurological evaluation. During this session, your child will also receive their first adjustment.

  3. Report of Findings + Adjustment (30 minutes): Your Chiropractor will review the results of the initial consultation and physical examination and discuss with you how chiropractic will support your child. They will also outline a personalised treatment plan for your child, including frequency and duration of care.

Following the Comprehensive Paediatric Assessment, follow-up consultations will be scheduled based on your recommended treatment plan.

Chiropractic Care for Adults

$140 initial consultation | $70 follow-up consultations

Our New Client Evaluation consists of two sessions. These include:

  1. Initial Consultation (30 minutes): Your Chiropractor will gather detailed information about your medical history and current symptoms. They will perform a physical exam, assessing your posture, range of motion, joint function, and neurological responses. If required, you will be referred for x-rays.

  2. Report of Findings + Adjustment (30 minutes): Your Chiropractor will review the results of the initial consultation and your x-rays and outline a personalised treatment plan. They will discuss the techniques to be used and the frequency and duration of care. You will also receive your first adjustment and be provided with lifestyle and self-care recommendations.

Following the New Client Evaluation, follow-up consultations will be scheduled based on your recommended treatment plan.

Unsure if chiropractic is right for you?

Get in touch with us to have an obligation free chat with one of our chiropractors about how we can best support you and your family.